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A Bridge to Nowhere – short film by Nuua Company and Sirkum Polaris, music by Sound Illustrators

OFF – Odense International Film Festival 60secondscircusfilms (Dynamo Art Space, Odense / Denmark) 2024

Decade of Deviations (STOA, Helsinki / Finland) 2023


Affairs of the cities – short film by Nuua Company and Sirkum Polaris, sound design by Katri Salmenoja

Decade of Deviations (STOA, Helsinki / Finland) 2023

Kulovalkea – contemporary circus performance by Nuua Company and Sirkum Polaris,

sound design by Katri Salmenoja, light design by Teo Lanerva

Premiere Decade of Deviations (STOA, Helsinki / Finland) 2023

Pre-premiere (Dynamo Art Space, Odense / Denmark) 2020

Paikallaan – cross-art installation by Minttu Myräkkä (dance), Katri Salmenoja (poetry & sound design) and Pauli Myräkkä (photo & video) 

Exhibition/installation (Roihuvuoren Rio, Helsinki / Finland) 2021


Paint Poetry Sound – cross-art performance by Linda Linko (live painting), Katri Salmenoja (poetry & voice) and Aki Himanen (sound & trumpet)

Live performance Espoo Day (Espoo Cultural Centre, Espoo / Finland) 2021

Live performance (Proggis, Helsinki / Finland) 2020

Circles and Falls – composition by Kadi Vija, lyrics by Katri Salmenoja

Kadi Vija Key Project, Playground Music Oy 2020

Hede – contemporary cross-art performance by Olli Vuorinen (joggling & object manipulation)

and Katri Salmenoja (poetry, sound design & voice), light design by Teo Lanerva

Premiere (Näyttämö, Joensuu / Finland) 2020

Review Hede on värikylläisen elinvoimainen ja sopivasti haastava esitys Pasi Huttunen / Kulttuuritoimitus 2020

Pre-premiere (EinTanzHaus, Mannheim / Germany) 2018

Review Verwandlungen und die Kraft der Liebe Christian Gaier / Die Rheinpfalz 2018

Review Recht schwer zugänglich Markus Mertens / Mannheimer Morgen 2018

Live performance (CIAM – Centre International des Arts en Mouvement Aix-en-Provence France) 2018

Live performance The Multidisciplinary and international Literature Festival Runokuu / Poetry Moon (Talvipuutarha, Helsinki / Finland) 2018 

White – second EP of the trilogy Grey-White-Black by Aki Himanen, voice by Katri Salmenoja

Super Life Records 2019

Disenfranchised – contemporary circus performance by Olli Vuorinen (joggling) and Katri Salmenoja

(sound & voice) 

Live performance Salo Circus Festival (Teatteri Provinssi, Salo / Finland ) 2019

Live perfomance RHC 10th Anniversary Circus Festival Gala (Cirko, Helsinki / Finland ) 2018​​

Out of Nothing – experimental short film by Janna Kyllästinen (direction & script writing) & Alexandra Lazarowich (direction), field recording by Katri Salmenoja

Tonite – song by Mite Item (Katri Salmenoja, Aki Himanen), music video by Luplof (light art & photos)

and Katri Salmenoja (performance, production & edit) 

Super Life Records 2017

Challenge Me – song by Mite Item (Katri Salmenoja, Aki Himanen), music video by Francesco Zanatta (visual art) and Katri Salmenoja (edit, production) 

Super Life Records 2017

Muted – song by Dten (Aki Himanen), vocals & lyrics by Katri Salmenoja 

Insist Music 2017

Tunsimme toisiamme – cross-art performance by Minttu Myräkkä (dance) and Katri Salmenoja

(poetry & sound)

Live performance The Multidisciplinary and international Literature Festival Runokuu / Poetry Moon (Lavaklubi, Helsinki / Finland) 2017

Luola – radio program about creativity by Katri Salmenoja & Eero Tiainen 

Bassoradio 2014–2015

Piirto – contemporary dance performance by Minttu Myräkkä & Veronika Yakushevich, music by Sound Illustrators

Live Performance Minun nimeni on / Mamuska (Kannel-Krouvi Helsinki, Finland) Zodiak 2014

False Spring – song by Mite Item (Katri Salmenoja, Aki Himanen)

Super Life Records 2014

Half Open – song by Mite Item (Katri Salmenoja, Aki Himanen), music video by Elina Himanen

and Mikko Tikka (video/photos, direction), production Mite Item

Super Life Records 2013


Ikuisuus – song by POPUP, composition by Kalle Koivisto, lyrics by Katri Salmenoja, arrangement by Jussi Chydenius, music video by Jussi Virkki, Tero Vihavainen and Petrus Kähkönen

PopUpSingers 2013


Berg-Ejvind och hans hustru (1918) – silent film composition by Katri Salmenojalive performance / improvisation by Trio Minelo

Silent Film Festival 2011 (Forssa, Finland)


​(to be updated...)

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